{Anna: Lewis Palmer High School Senior} Colorado Springs High School Senior Photographer

Anna's Session was so unique to her...she had a specific vision in mind & thanks to her persistence in finding EXACTLY the location she wanted, her pictures turned out STUNNING! Almost as stunning as she looked. I loved her wardrobe choices & her lipstick accompaniment.;) I know sounds funny to say, but I love a dark red lip & Anna rocked it like nobody I know! We decided on Starsmore Discovery Nature Center because she wanted water & not just any water, but a bridge. Well, her opening shot (literally first frame out of the camera) barefoot on the rock was practically historical ( I have been asked by so many people, where this shot was taken it's laughable). Way to make yourself & your spot famous, Anna!!! I agree, she makes it look just gorgeous. I went back several other times throughout Senior Season & each time it had a different feel, but I happen to love how lush & green & full it was during your session girly! Take a peek at her gorgeous pictures on an unbelievably perfect evening.