{My 14yr. old...say what???} Colorado Springs Teen Portrait Photographer

Where do I begin??? It's a NEW YEAR & my head always spins with new ideas, inspiration, getting organized, staying motivated, etc. Who's with me???

For starters...I always make it a point to catch up on my blogging that I get about 6 months behind on every year.;) But before I get back to blogging my clients, I wanted to share a personal post.

During my slow season, I have to be more intentional about picking up my camera. Fortunately, with some good bribery, I can usually get my daughter, Sadie, in front of the lens. Still working on my son, Sawyer. He's not a huge fan of pictures like his daddy.;) I took these series of shots of Sadie late December after we received just a dusting of snow in our backyard Open Space. (Yes, it's become one of my favorite places to shoot year round...so thankful for this space). She was thrilled it snowed (despite the measly amount). I, on the other hand, could care less if it ever snows again!;) LOL!!! I took a few blanket scarves from my closet, my favorite go-to portrait lens & within about 10 minutes time, I had her laughing (it was a Christmas Miracle).;) Just kidding!!! But when I say bribery...I really mean it. Ha! She clearly does her own thing & takes little direction from me (because DUH...I'm MOM). But that's ok, cause I'm fairly certain this girl knows a thing or two about how to work the camera! Ugh...Jori & I are in trouble. Yep, she's only 14 but looks/acts like she's going on 20.

I'm currently in the stage of life where I am trying to embrace every single day/moment/memory because time is literally flying by!!! She signs up for High School classes next month & that has me FREAKING OUT!!! I know I have a bad memory, but it literally feels like yesterday when she had ringlet curls, a baby-doll voice & requested McDonald's Ice-Cream for breakfast. Ugh...it's so hard to watch them grow up!!! It is also very rewarding. I am proud of the human being she is. I could go on & on, but I just remembered there are pictures to post...hence the reason most of you are on here!!!! So...here is a peek at our wintery backyard mini-session...